Working agreement
Terms & conditions so we can work together effectively and safely.
You will be given a copy of this at the time of booking for you to read and sign.
I am registered counsellor with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS). I conduct my counselling practice within the NCPS Ethical Framework for Counsellors and also the NCPS guidelines for Online Counselling and Psychotherapy. Information relating to both these documents can be found at the
If, at any point during your counselling, you felt that I am in breach of these codes of ethics, I would hope that you feel comfortable to discuss this with me and we could find a resolution to the situation. If we were unable to do so I will provide you with contact details where you could express your concern directly to the NCPS.
The fee is £60 for a 1 hour session. Sessions take place either in my therapy rooms or online by mutual agreement. Payment is required on or before the day of the session by bank transfer.
What happens if you have to cancel the appointment?
If you have already made a payment for a session but are unable to meet at the appointed time due to unexpected illness or other personal commitments, I will retain the fee for the session but endeavour to rearrange that session to a mutually convenient time in the same 7 day period.
Please, where possible, give me 24 hours notice for any cancellation. If the time is less than 24 hours then the whole fee will be charged.
On the rare occasion that I have to cancel the appointment then I will endeavour to re-arrange our session to the next mutually convenient time.
Confidentiality and Security
The content of our conversations and your emails will not be communicated with a third party except for the purposes of supervision of my work. In this instance your identity will not be revealed.
At the end of our agreement a paper copy of any notes will be stored securely offline for a period of 5 years and then destroyed by shredding after this time. No electronic records will be stored after the ending of counselling.
I am legally bound to make disclosure to the police authorities if a client reveals that they are at serious risk of causing harm to others, engaging in money laundering or terrorist activity.
In addition, if at any point during the counselling session you were in need of emergency support, I may need to contact your GP or close family member.
All personal information disclosed will be kept confidential and not used for any purposes other than a counselling record. All client material is treated in complete confidence and is removed from my computer at the end of our work together. Written records are kept in a locked filing cabinet with any identity details kept separately.
How many sessions will you need?
I suggest, after our initial session to give us both insight into whether the style and approach is for you, that we discuss how many you would like. However I will check in with you after each session to see if you would like to continue.
There maybe instances where I might feel that another therapist/modality can support you better and I will make this clear and offer alternative support and resources.
Guidelines for emergency contact
In the event of an emergency arising whilst you are engaged in therapy, I will discuss with you the appropriate support that you could access during this period.
If you found yourself in a major crisis and were considering serious self harm it would be vital to get immediate help. This could include contacting your GP, or your nearest accident and emergency service (A & E). 999 or 111.
Apart from arranging appointments I am not contactable outside of our appointment time.
This agreement shall be construed and governed in all respects in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any dispute or differences in relation to this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.